hanazonoland’s blog

This is where I post Popipa RPF Stories.

Focus (AyAm)

Aimi x Ito Ayasa

A/N: Just something, something, with Ayasa, Terurin etc etc. =))


Aimi sat on the floor of her room, PS4 controller in hand. Ayasa laid down on the couch as she played with her phone. She continued to grin and laugh, it seemed that she was chatting in LINE with some of her friends.

Trying to focus on her game, however Aimi found it quite difficult, as the feeling of hestitation and annoyment welled up in her chest. She closed her eyes and shook her head, trying to shake off the feeling and leered at the screen as she tried to focus again.

Ayasa shifted on her position from the couch again and giggled a little as her back faced Aimin who was leaning on the couch.

「てるちゃんめっちゃおもろい、さすがに。」(Teru-chan sure is interesting, as expected.)

It may have been just a spur of the moment of muttering it under her breathe, it happens often, however, hearing that name that often makes her feel under the weather, Aimin discovered that maybe she was feeling a little jealous.

Or maybe it wasn’t just a little jealous.

「彩沙ってさ、私とてるりんと、どっちが好きなの?」(Hey, Ayasa. Between myself and Terurin, who are you in love with?)

Ayasa stopped typing her reply to the chat mid-way as she tried to process what she just heard. Aimin stayed focus on her game.

「え?なに?」(Eh? What?)

Aimin continued to play her game as if pretending that she didn’t hear Ayasa’s question.


Ayasa turned over and peeked at Aimi’s face. She stared for a long time, maybe a minute, or two, but she didn’t let up from her game and just continued to face forward.


Forgetting that she was ever gonna reply to the chat, she locked her phone and threw it somewhere. Ayasa grabbed one of Aimi’s ears to see if she would react, she did. She moved away her head, dodging the ear grab.

「どうしたの?」(What’s wrong?)

Ayasa wanted to keep watching Aimi’s face, but the instant she moved her gaze from her to the game she was playing, she heard a sniffed and got startled. She immediately got up from the couch and went to the floor to check on Aimi. She held her hand, took the controller, paused the game and settled it on the table.


She grabbed Aimi’s shoulders and forced her to face her, but she won’t lift her head up. Aimi used one of her hands to wipe her face and Ayasa finally saw the tears. Ayasa immediately wrapped her arms around Aimi’s head and rested it on her chest.

「なんでそんなことを聴くの?」(Why do you want to know something like that?)

「だって…迷い過ぎて分かんないもん…」(It’s because I feel so lost, I don’t know anymore.)

「あいみんだけが、好きだよ?」(I’m only in love with you?)

Ayasa frowned as she caressed Aimi’s hair and rubbed her back.

「ずっと、その、てるりんと一緒が見て、彩沙がずっと笑ってるから、そのことないだと思って…」(Because... every time I see you with Terurin you look happy... I don’t think I could do that.)


「だって私いつもネガティブで、自信がない、いつも色んなことを考えて、そんな人と過ごすなら楽しくないじゃん…」(It’s because I’m always negative, I don’t have confidence, I think a lot of things, I doubt it’s fun to spend time with a person like that...)

Ayasa sighed as she hugged Aimi tighter and craddled her head.

「私との時間が楽しくないなら、てるりんと一緒の方が」(If you don’t have fun with me, maybe it’d be better if you were with—)

「それ言わないで、怒るから」(Don’t say that. I’ll get angry.)


Ayasa sighed and patted Aimi’s head. She rubbed Aimi’s back.

「ね、私を見て?」(Hey, look at me?)


「ね、私の目を見て?一回だけ言うから…」(Hey, look at my eyes? I’m only gonna say this once...)

Aimin pouted as she tried to stop her tears and lifted her head to look at Ayasa’s face.

「私はあいみんが好き。あいみんとの時間が好き、あいみんの隣じゃないと嫌、あいみんの側だけが安心する、ここで居たい。」(I love you. I love time together with you, if I won’t be with you I don’t want it, I can only relax when I’m with you. I want to stay here.)

Aimi closed her eyes as more tears poured out of her eyes.

「あ、もう。泣くなよ~私まで泣かせるからっ」(Oh geez, stop crying. You’ll make cry too...)

Ayasa wiped Aimi’s tears with her hands and kissed them.

「あやさっっ、す、き…」( Ayasaaaa, I love... you...)

「うん、知ってる、私もあいみん好き」(I know. I love you too.)

「彩沙ごめん…」(Ayasa, sorry...)

「いやっ、これは私のせい…」(No... This  time is all me...)

「勝手に嫉妬して…」(I just got jealous and...)

「嬉しいけど、その、泣くぐらい嫉妬したら、さすがに…」(I’m happy but, if you got jealous to the point that you cried, that’s definitely...)


「いや、だから…」(Which is why I’m saying...)

Aimi hugged Ayasa as the two of them fell onto the carpeted floor.




「今日は甘えん坊さんね…」(You sure are acting spoiled today...)


「それ辞めろよな?怒るからっ…」(Quit that okay? I’ll get angry...)




Aimi looked up from her position around Ayasa’s neck.

「キス…したい…」(I want to... kiss you.)

「彩沙から、してよ」( I want you to initiate it.)

「え、恥ずかしいじゃん…」(Eh, that’s embarrassing...)

「あいみんはやらない。」(Aimin won’t do it.)

Ayasa frowned as she stared at Aimin. Although it is cute, and it is cute... it was a little bit embarrassing. Ayasa gathered up all her courage and gave a chaste kiss.

「その短い方だけで満足なの?」(You’re already satisfied with just that short one?)

Aimi pouted at Ayasa, who just blushed and pouted back.

「私と一緒…嬉しい?」(Are you happy when you’re with me?)

Aimi smiled at Ayasa, that one that looked like a pomeranian. Ayasa wanted to laugh, but she knew she shouldn’t.



「嘘ついてる理由はある?」(Do I have a reason to lie?)







Ayasa sighed as they continued to hug.

「愛美、重い。」(Aimi, you’re heavy.)


「でも眠い」(But I’m sleepy...)

「私も眠い…」(I am sleepy too...)

「ゲームセーブして寝る?」(Save your game and let’s sleep?)


Aimi stood up from on top of Ayasa and helped her get up. Ayasa dusted herself as Aimi did the same. Ayasa looked around to find her phone, but suddenly found an arm around her waist, and warm lips over her own.

Aimi parted first from the warm and chaste kiss, and hugged Ayasa, resting her face onto the side of Ayasa’s head.

「私も…彩沙と一緒なら幸せだよ。毎日楽しくて、明日も楽しみにして、未来も。」(Me too... When I’m with you, I’m very happy. Everyday is fun, I look forward to tomorrow, as well as the future.)


「私とずっと一緒に居たい?」(Do you want to be with me always from now on?)

「それ…プロポーズしてるの?」(That... Are you proposing?)

「指輪はないけど。」(I don’t have a ring, though.)

Aimi smiled at her. The genuine, bright... the one that makes her heart flutter, every time.

「答えはもちろんYesだよ。」(Of course my answer is “Yes”.)


A/N: Aimin ;__;