hanazonoland’s blog

This is where I post Popipa RPF Stories.

Because I Wanted To, I Remembered Something (AyAm)

Because I Wanted To, I Remembered Something
Aimi x Ito Ayasa

A/N: Today is apparently Kiss Day, I’m a derp who can’t write AriSaaya lately so I will write AyAm instead. Dialogues will be in Japanese, with English captions. If you can read Japanese, that would be better.


Aimi wrapped her arms around Ayasa’s waist she watched her play the latest Kirby game in her Nintendo Switch. Ayasa looked quite engrossed into the game as they have been in the same position for almost about 2 hours and neither of them are getting tired of it yet.

Aimi contemplates about the past few weeks. It was just the New Year’s and suddenly it’s BanG Dream 5th! Live, but with that over now, they’re all back to their usual individual activities until the next BanG Dream event.

She stared at Ayasa’s screen as she spaced out, leaning her head onto Ayasa’s head. Usually Ayasa would complain that it’s hot, or it’s stuffy, but oddly enough on that day, she wasn’t saying anything so Aimi just continued to do it.

Aimi would be back to doing her new solo projects... and Ayasa would be back to doing her stage plays, and they wouldn’t see each other much again.

「そう言えば…今日はキスの日らしい。」(Come to think of it, today’s Kiss Day.)


Ayasa responded without thinking of it much, still engrossed in her game. Aimi peeks closer onto Ayasa’s screen, their face now side to side each other. She nuzzles Ayasa’s cheek with her own.


Ayasa blinked and turned to face Aimi, only to find her lips being captured in a soft kiss.

「どうしたの?」(What’s up?)

「いや、なにも?」(No... It’s nothing?)

「?そう。」(? Is that so?)

Ayasa turned back to her game and Aimi continued to nuzzle her cheek as soon as she gets busy. Wondering what’s wrong, Ayasa paused her game and turned to face Aimi again, only to find her lips captured once more in a sweet kiss, much longer than the last time.

「本当に、どうしたのあいみん」(Really, what’s up, Aimin?)

「今日は、キスの日らしくて…」(It seems that today’s kiss day so...)

Aimi averted her gaze as Ayasa raised an eyebrow. Ayasa turned her body to her side to face Aimi, completely abandoning her game. She grabbed Aimi’s cheeks with both hands and forced her to look at her.

「どうしたんんっ」(What’s wron—Mm...)

Without being able to completely ask her question the third time, she just suddenly found her lips captured in a longer and sweeter kiss than before. Finding it difficult to breathe any longer, she opens her mouth to inhale only to find exploring tongue taking this opporunity to deepen the kiss.

Ayasa tapped Aimi’s shoulder for a time out, which the older woman eventually does.

「あいみん、何があったんでしょ?話して」(Aimin, something is wrong, right? Tell me.)


「話してないなら、続きは断るから」(If you don’t talk to me about it, I won’t let you continue.)

Aimi frowned at her, as she looked at her like a sad puppy.

(可愛い…っふふ)(Cute... Hehe.)

Aimi blinked before pulling Ayasa closer to her, leaning cheek onto Ayasa’s face.

「ここから…舞台のレヴュ、でしょ?」(From here on... You’ll be focusin on your theater play, Revue... right?)


「その…相方…」(Your... Partner...)

(あ…) (Ah...)

「…を思って…キスしたくなちゃった」(...When I think of you... with her, I wanted kiss you.)

「…なるほどね。」(...I see.)

「これは仕事だから、分かってる…でもやっぱり、本当に嫌」(I know that, this is for work... but as expected, I really don’t like it.)

Ayasa reached out to pat Aimi’s head, to comfort her sad pomeranian.

「仕事だけだから、大丈夫だから、ね?」(It’s just a job, okay? It’s fine, don’t worry, okay?)

「でも、やっぱり…嫌…」(But... I still... don’t like it.)

(この珍しいヤキモチやきのあいみんが大切にしたい…かわいい。)(I want to treasure this rarely very jealous Aimin... so cute.)

Ayasa grabbed Aimi’s cheeks with both her hands again and gives her a peck on the cheeks.

「その…「嫌」な感じを解けるまで、キスして。」(Until you get rid of that ‘dislike’, kiss me.)

Aimi stared at Ayasa’s eyes for a few seconds... before kissing her again, passionately, as the same as earlier.

「我慢出来なくなるかも?」(Even if I won’t be able to hold myself back?)

「妹ちゃんは今日何時に戻れるの?」(What time does Imouto-chan come home today?)

「明日に…戻る。」(She comes home tomorrow.)

Ayasa wrapped her arms around Aimi’s neck and pulled her onto the floor with her.

「じゃあ、妹ちゃんがギリギリに戻るまで、やる。」(Then, let’s do it until right before Imouto-chan comes home.)

「でも明日仕事あるんでしょ?」(But you have work tomorrow, right?)

「だからマークは禁止」(That’s why you can’t leave marks.)

「がんばります。」(I’ll do my best.)

「カーペット嫌なんだけどな…」(I don’t like doing it on carpets though...)

「ベッド行こう?」(Let’s go to the bed then?)

「お任せにします。」(I’ll leave it to you, then.)

Ayasa laughed when Aimi tried to lift her off the ground, but she was doing her best to hold all her weight onto the floor so she couldn’t do it.


「お手柔らかに」(Please be gentle.)

Ayasa felt like teasing her overly jealous girlfriend a bit more. It surprised her to see a possessive side of her that she has never seen before, until a third person came into the picture and it was a very refreshing scene.

「愛してるよ、彩沙。」(I love you, Ayasa.)

「あいみんも、好き…っ」(I Love you too, Aimin... Nn...)


A/N: In the end the title wasn’t very related, and I just wanted them to kiss. Hope you enjoyed! Forgive my deceased Japanese grammar, I tried my best.